Riebel, K., Naguib, M. Gil, D. 2009
Experimental manipulation of the rearing environment influence adult female zebra finch song preferences.
Animal Behaviour 78, 1397-1404.
Brumm, H., Naguib, M. 2009
Environmental acoustics and the evolution of bird song.
Advances in the Study of Behavior 40, 1-33.
Naguib, M. Clayton, N., Zuberbühler, K. Janik, V. M. (Eds.) 2009
Acoustic communication in birds and mammals (Advances in the Study of Behavior; special volume).
Elsevier, Oxford, UK.
Krause, E.T., Honarmand, M., Wetzel, J., Naguib, M. 2009
Early fasting is long lasting: Differences in early nutritional conditions reappear under stressful conditions in adult female zebra finches.
PLoS one 4(3), e5015.
Roth, T., Sprau, P., Schmidt, R., Naguib, M., Amrhein, V. 2009
Sex-specific timing of mate searching and territory prospecting in the nightingale: nocturnal life of females.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 2045-2050; highlighted also in Nature 2009, Vol 458, p10.
Naguib, M., Schmidt, R., Sprau, P., Roth, T., Floercke, C., Amrhein, V., 2008
The ecology of vocal signaling: male spacing and communication distance of different song traits in nightingales.
Behavioral Ecology 19, 1034-1040.
Schmidt, R., Kunc, H., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2008
Aggressive responses to broadband trills are related to subsequent mating success in nightingales.
Behavioral Ecology 19, 635-641.
Naguib, M., Heim, C., Gil, D. 2008
Effects of early developmental conditions on male attractiveness in zebra finches.
Ethology 114, 255-261.
Kober, M., Trillmich, F., Naguib, M. 2008
Vocal mother-offspring communication in guinea pigs: females adjust maternal responsiveness to litter size.
Frontiers in Zoology 5, 13.
Krause, E. T., Naguib, M., Petow, S. 2008
Effects of intra-hippocampal D-AP5 injections on the one trial passive avoidance learning in adult laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 68, 494-501.
Naguib, M., Nemitz, A. 2007
Living with the past: nutritional stress in juvenile males has immediate effects on their plumage ornaments and adult attractiveness in zebra finches.
PLoS ONE Vol. 2(9), e901.
Schmidt, R., Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2007
The day after: Effects of vocal interactions on territory defence in nightingales.
Journal of Animal Ecology 76, 168-173.
Amrhein, V., Kunc, H.P., Schmidt, R., Naguib, M. 2007
Temporal patterns of territory settlement and detectability in mated and unmated Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos.
Ibis 149, 237-244.
Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2007
Vocal interactions in common nightingales ( Luscinia megarhynchos ): males take it easy after pairing.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61, 557-563.
Kober, M., Trillmich, F., Naguib, M. 2007
Responses of guinea pig mothers to offspring vocalizations: effects of maternal reproductive state
Animal Behaviour 73, 917-925.
Gil, D., Naguib, M., Riebel, K., Rutstein, A., Gahr, M. 2006
Early condition, song learning and the volume of brain song nuclei in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
Journal of Neurobiology 66, 1602-1612.
Naguib, M., Nemitz, A., Gil, D. 2006
Maternal developmental stress reduces reproductive success of female offspring in zebra finches.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273, 1901-1905; highlighted in Current Biology 2006: 16(9)R309.
Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2006
Vocal interactions in nightingales ( Luscinia megarhynchos ): more aggressive males have higher pairing success
Animal Behaviour 72, 25-30.
Schmidt, R., Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2006
Responses to interactive playback predict future mating status in nightingales.
Animal Behaviour 72, 1355-1362.
Naguib, M., Kipper, S. 2006
Effects of different levels of song overlapping on singing behaviour in male territorial nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos).
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59:,419-426.
Krause, E.T., Naguib, M., Trillmich, F., Schrader, L. 2006
The effects of short term enrichment on learning in chickens from a laying strain (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 101, 318-327.
Naguib, M. 2006
Methoden der Verhaltensbiologie Publisher: Springer Verlag
Full article: http://www.springer.com/life+sci/behavioural/book/978-3-540-33494-1
Naguib, M. (ed.: Brown, K.) 2006
Animal communication:dialogues
Encyclopaedia for Language and Linguistics, Second edition,
Vol. 1 p270-272 Publisher: Elsevier
Naguib, M. (ed.: Brown, K.) 2006
Animal Communication: Overview.
Encyclopedia for Language and Linguistics - Second edition,
Vol. 1 p276-284Publisher: Elsevier
Naguib, M., Riebel, K. (ed.: Brown, K.) 2006
Bird song: a key model in animal communication
Encyclopedia for Language and Linguistics - Second edition,
Vol. 2. p40-53 Publisher: Elsevier
Naguib, M., Gil, D. 2005
Transgenerational effects on body size caused by early developmental stress in zebra finches
Biology Letters 1, 95-97.
Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V.,Naguib, M. 2005
Seasonal variation of dawn song and its relation to mating success in the nightingale ( Luscinia megarhynchos)
Animal Behaviour 70, 1265-1271.
Kunc, H.P., Amrhein, V., Naguib, M. 2005
Acoustic features of song categories of the nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) and its implications for communication
Behaviour 142, 1083-1097.
Naguib, M. 2005
Singing interactions in song birds: implications for social relations, territoriality and territorial settlement
In: Communication networks (ed.: McGregor, P.K.)
p300-319 Publisher: Cambridge University Press.
Naguib, M., Riebel, K., Marzal, A., Gil, D. 2004
Nestling immunocompetence and testosterone covary with brood size in a songbird
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 271, 833-838.
Gil, D., Heim, C., Bulmer, E., Rocha, M., Puerta, M., Naguib, M. 2004
Negative effects of early developmental stress on yolk testosterone levels in a passerine bird
Journal of Experimental Biology 207, 2215-2220.
Amrhein, V., Kunc, H.P., Naguib, M. 2004
Non-territorial nightingales prospect territories during the dawn chorus
Proceeding of the Royal Society B (Suppl.) 271, S167-S169.
Amrhein, V., Kunc, H.P., Naguib, M. 2004
Seasonal patterns of singing activity vary with time of day in the nightingale
The Auk 121, 110-117.
Naguib, M., Amrhein, V., Kunc, H.P. 2004
Effects of territorial intrusions on eavesdropping neighbors: communication networks in nightingales
Behavioral Ecology 6, 1011-1015.
Naguib, M. 2003
Reverberation of rapid and slow trills: implications for signal adaptations to long range communication
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, 1749-1756.
Amrhein, V., Korner, P., Naguib, M. 2002
Nocturnal and diurnal singing activity in the nightingale: correlations with mating status and breeding cycle
Animal Behaviour 64, 939-944.
Griessmann, B., Naguib, M. 2002
Song sharing in neighboring and non neighboring thrush nightingales (Luscinia luscinia) and its implications for communication
Ethology 108, 377-387.
Naguib, M., Mundry, R., Hultsch, H., Todt, D. 2002
Responses to playback of whistle songs and normal songs in male nightingales: effects of song category, whistle pitch, and distance.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52, 216-223.
Naguib, M., Altenkamp, R., Griessmann, B. 2001
Nightingales in space: song and extra-territorial forays of radio tagged song birds
Journal of Ornithology 142, 306-312.
Naguib, M., Hammerschmidt, K., Wirth, J. 2001
Microgeographic variation, habitat effects, and individual signature cues in calls of chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita canarensis
Ethology 107, 341-355.
Naguib, M., Wiley, R.H. 2001
Estimating the distance to a source of sound : mechanisms and adaptations for long-range communication
Animal Behaviour 62, 825-837.
Naguib, M., Klump, G.M., Hillmann, E., Griessmann, B., Teige, T. 2000
Assessment of auditory distance in a territorial songbird: accurate feat or rule of thumb?
Animal Behaviour 59, 715-721.
Todt, D., Naguib, M. 2000
Vocal interactions in birds: The use of song as a model in communication.
Advances in the Study of Behaviour 29, 247-296.
Naguib, M. 1999
Effects of song overlapping and alternating on nocturnally singing nightingales
Animal Behaviour 58, 1061-1067.
Naguib, M., Fichtel, C., Todt, D. 1999
Nightingales respond more strongly to vocal leaders in simulated dyadic interactions
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 265, 537-542.
Naguib, M., Mundry, R., Ostreiher, R., Hultsch, H., Schrader, L., Todt, D. 1999
Cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers call differently when mobbing in different predator-induced situations
Behavioral Ecology 10, 636-640.
Naguib, M. 1998
Perception of degradation in acoustic signals and its implications for ranging.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 42, 139-142.
Naguib, M., Todt, D. 1998
Recognition of neighbors' song in a species with large and complex song repertoires: the thrush nightingale.
Journal of Avian Biology 29, 155-160.
Naguib, M. 1997
Ranging of songs in Carolina wrens: effects of familiarity with the song type on use of different cues.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40,385-393; Erratum in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 41, 203.
Naguib, M. 1997
Use of song amplitude for ranging in Carolina wrens, Thryothorus ludovicianus.
Ethology 103 (9), 723-731.
Naguib, M., Todt, D. 1997
Effects of dyadic vocal interactions on other conspecific receivers in nightingales.
Animal Behaviour 54, 1535-1543.
Naguib, M. 1996
Ranging by song in Carolina wrens Thryothorus ludovicianus: Effects of environmental acoustics and strength of song degradation.
Behaviour 133, 541-559.
Naguib, M. 1996
Auditory distance estimation in song birds: Implications, methodologies and perspectives.
Behavioural Processes 38, 163-168.
Naguib, M. 1995
Auditory distance assessment of singing conspecifics in Carolina wrens: the role of reverberation and frequency- dependent attenuation.
Animal Behaviour 50, 1297-1307.
Naguib, M., Kolb, H. 1992
Vergleich des Strophenaufbaus und der Strophenabfolge an Gesängen von Sprosser (Luscinia luscinia) und Blaukehlchen (Luscinia svecica).
Journal für Ornithologie 133, 133-145.