Analysis of footage of breeding Eurasion Hobby’s (Falco Subbuteo)
Location: Regelink Ecologie & Landschap (Ecological Consultancy)
Supervisor: Sjouke Kingma
Contact of host institution: Marlien de Voogd (
Internship on winter field research techniques in black wheatears
Location: Guadix, Spain
Supervisors: Gretchen Wagner
Acoustic responses of Eurasian magpie toward different threatening context
Location: Wageningen University
Supervisors: Sjouke Kingma, Miriam Kuspiel
Migration route and resting sites of White Storks
Location: Nature Conservation Egypt (BirdLife International Partner)
Supervisors: Marc Naguib, Khaled Noby
Contact of host institution: Khaled Noby (
Previous student projects:
- Differences in executive functions in great tits, blue tits and marsh tits (Supervisor: Kees van Oers)
ARK Natuurontwikkeling
- Carcass use and the role of social recruitment in juvenile ravens on the Veluwe (Supervisor: Lysanne Snijders)
- Ravens (Corvus corax) on the Veluwe: How food affects social behaviour (Supervisor: Lysanne Snijders)
Copenhagen University (Denmark)
- The biological underpinnings of pied babbler combinatorial communication (Supervisor: Marc Naguib)
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (Trinidad)
- Social cognitive testing of high-predation schools of Poecilia reticulata (Supervisor: Alexander Kotrschal)
Ouwehands Zoo
- Regrouping, Recovery, and Welfare of Captive Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) (Sypervisor: Bonne Beerda)
Stichting AAP
- The effect of ecologically relevant sounds on the behavioural patterns of captive Japanese macaques (Supervisor: Marc Naguib)
Leiden University
- Chimpanzee’s attention to dominant and subordinate roles in third-party grooming and aggression (Supervisor: Marc Naguib)
- Monitoring adaption to novel situations with indicators of stress-related behavior and space use (Supervisor: Bonne Beerda)
University of Antwerp