Explore the amazing range and complexity of wild animal behaviour with this new MOOC ‘Introduction to Animal Behaviour’ of Wageningen University & Research. Discover how animals learn, communicate, find food, avoid predators, and interact socially. You can subscribe now!
The course ran the first time from August to October 2016 and is now archieved on the EdX platform, so that the videos are still accessible. Over six weeks, learners explored the various behaviours animals adopt in order to meet the challenges of their daily lives. The course is aimed at anyone looking to broaden their understanding of animal behaviour beyond nature documentaries or a typical high school education.
The course had more than 50,000 participants and was ranked by Class Central in 2020 among the "best online courses of all time".
For more information take a look at the course page.
MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses: They are available for everyone, everywhere, online and free.
NOTE! WUR students can receive 1 ECTS when they enroll via Osiris for the course BHE50801, see the Study Handbook for more information.